Easy Nesting Sitz Bath

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Easy Nesting Sitz Bath

Sale Price:$11.60 Original Price:$14.50

You’re prepared for the birth, you have all your bags packed and ready. Are you prepared for the recovery too? Maybe you just need relief from symptoms caused by other issues. The Easy Nesting Sitz Bath is designed specifically with your sensitivities in mind, and it can be used for more than just mothers! The sitz bath contains epsom salts, marshmallow root, witch hazel bark, yarrow, uva ursi, and calendula. All of these herbs and salts are going to work together to soothe perineal tissues after labor, reduce swelling or ease the irritation of hemorrhoids, and is safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Each 5 ounce bottle (2-3 baths worth) contains all natural ingredients, including a tea bag for the soak and a set of instructions to make your relaxing night that much easier. Plus, the corked glass bottle is completely reusable for the consumer! Keep the earth green and your mind at ease.

*Also pictured is the smaller sample size found in the Mama Time Bath Bundle.

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For best results, add four tablespoons to tea bag. Soak tea bag in the hottest water first, allowing the herbs to steep, before adding cold water for suitable bathing temperature.

Warning: While the ingredients listed in your bath tea are food grade quality, they are not intended for consumption and should be limited to bath soaks. Further, make sure to test the product before taking bath, as some consumers can be more sensitive to certain herbal products than others.

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